Last Modified: 06/28/2023
CMV 2016
Plenary 1: Changing the CMV landscape: The power of parent advocacy
- Presenters
- Kristen Spytek, National CMV Foundation (how non-profits help change the CMV landscape)
- Farah Armstrong, Texas parent (working with state lawmakers to pass CMV legislation)
- Erica Steadman, Illinois parent (leveraging stakeholders to pass CMV legislation)
- Kathleen Muldoon, Arizona parent (parents as advocates in the care and early intervention services for their child)
- Sara Doutre, Utah parent
Plenary 2: Marketing the CMV message: Proven public health techniques for raising awareness
- Presenter: Mike Mackert
Plenary 3: Is Universal Newborn CMV Screening Good Public Health Policy?
- Presenters:
- Karen Fowler
- David Kimberlin
- Bill Rawlinson
- Sheila Dollard
- Albert Park
Plenary 5: Changing CMV Public Health Policy
- Presenters:
- Sara Beth Myers, Advocates for Women's and Kid's Equality, TN
- Dr. Paul Griffiths, England
- Angela Shoup - Parkland Hospital (TX)