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Last Modified: 06/15/2023

Resources for Establishing and Operating Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Programs

a baby getting a hearing screening

In helping many of these hospitals, we have developed some resources to aid in the establishment and operation of UNHS programs. Additionally, we maintain early hearing detection and intervention (including UNHS) information about U.S. states, territories and commonwealths. You can find these resources and information below.

  • EHDI E-Book: Newborn Hearing Screening [PDF]
  • EHDI E-Book: Tracking, Reporting, & Follow-Up [PDF]
  • Calculate The Cost
    • This accounting spreadsheet allows you to specify in a few minutes all of the assumptions and cost specifications for your hospital. It will automatically calculate the cost per baby, the annual total cost, and the cost per baby identified.
  • Selecting Equipment
    • NCHAM has complied a summary of the research evidence and the clinical experience in an effort to help people select equipment to use in their own newborn hearing screening program.
  • Educational & Training Videos
    • A number of groups and organizations have produced videos to support Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs. Click this link to see what is available.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    • Have a question or comment about universal newborn hearing screening? Check out our frequently asked questions to see what others have frequently asked about universal newborn hearing screening.

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