Welcome To Sign It!

is an innovative new online curriculum for learning American Sign Language (ASL). The instruction is done by professional actors (both deaf and hearing) who are fluent in ASL and is highly interactive, entertaining, and engaging. You can complete the lessons at your own pace. Built-in quizzes provide feedback about how well you are learning the material, and there is ample opportunity for practice. You'll see video vignettes showing conversational ASL, interviews with deaf celebrities, and instruction about ASL grammar and Deaf culture. An excerpt from the curriculum can be viewed here.
Because of generous funding from both government and private entities, parents of children 36 months of age or younger who are deaf or hard of hearing can use the curriculum free of charge! To apply, complete and submit the form below. If you do not qualify for the free offer, but would still like to learn ASL, you can purchase online access at signitasl.com

If you don’t receive an email with your code
within 4 hours, contact the NCHAM
Helpdesk via email or phone (435) 797-3584
between 8 AM and 5 PM Mountain Time

is a collaborative project of The Signing Time Foundation, and the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM) at Utah State University. Free access to SignIt ASL is made possible through generous support from various private foundations and the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) (cooperative agreement #U52MC04391). The design and content of SignIt ASL is solely the responsibility of the Signing Time Foundation and NCHAM.