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Rachel Coleman: One Deaf Child

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thank you for sharing your story, so inspirational story . touched my heart.

Posted by: Alejndra Waldron 7/8/24

Thank you for sharing your inspirational story.

Posted by: Anissa Moriarty 7/1/24

Such an amazing and inspirational video.

Posted by: Renee Mantz 6/19/24

Wow...that was a tremendous hour spent watching and listening to Rachael...thank you. As an educational audiologist in San Diego, I had jr high and sr high students make audio tapes for teachers to play while driving to and from school. The audio tapes had recordings of the student requesting accommodations in their classrooms...and reminding the teachers 'not to worry, there would be times that they would forget' because the students didn't look like they had hearing loss!

Posted by: Janet Trychin 6/7/24

Such a beautiful inspiration. Everyone "talks" in their own way. We just have to help them find their way.

Posted by: Susan Gordon 5/19/24

Beautiful story and advocation for a wonderful and loving child and family!

Posted by: Dana J Marchionda 2/12/24

Wow! She pulled herself up and persevered to find the teachers, schools and programs to help her children succeed regardless of what others thought-truly amazing! Love and support made all the difference-thank you for this inspiring video!

Posted by: Susan 2/8/24

What a strong, resilient little girl and mom!

Posted by: Emily 1/4/24

Amazing Video, I couldn't stop watching and have been brought to tears. Such an inspiration for the kids I work with as an occupational Therapist, thank you!

Posted by: Monica Valentine 10/31/23

Amazing story. She is so creative in telling it. Thanks Rachel.

Posted by: Caroline Douglass 10/3/23

Rachel Coleman is an angel! So inspiring! EVERY parent would benefit from viewing this video. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.

Posted by: Melissa 9/15/23

I have Spina Bifida and this is amazing. Not to mention the deaf story. LOVE IT

Posted by: Grace Camp 8/29/23

Thank you for being so open and honest in sharing Leah's journey. I will be looking for more of your videos!

Posted by: Rachel Thiros 7/11/23

Kudos to you Rachel for sharing your detailed and inspiring story. May God continue to use your story in making a bridge of unity within speaking and ASL worlds.

Posted by: Marie Erin Challenger 6/27/20

Rachel Coleman is amazing. Well spoken. Intuitive. Real. Honest She's making a difference in this world. A big difference!

Posted by: Carmela Johnson 6/8/20

Wonderful! What a beautiful and inspiring story! Thank you!

Posted by: Suzanne, 6/8/20

Beautiful....Simply and amazingly beautiful...I absolutely loved your story. Thank you so much for sharing...God Bless!!

Posted by: Dana Marchionda, MPT, 4/23/20

Thank you for sharing your story.

Posted by: Amy, 3/16/20

Thank you for sharing such an emotional and inspiring story! Your courage, intelligence and amazing spirit does not go unnoticed!!!

Posted by: Alice Abney, 2/25/20

Thanks for sharing. We use lots of ASL signs in our specialized preschool classrooms for children with hearing loss and for children with communication delays.

Posted by: Jenn, 1/27/20

This video was so very impressive, explaining the thoughts and feelings of a parent to the whole development of her child's abilities.

Posted by: Robin Heaton, 10/24/19

Thank you for the awesome rollercoaster ride of emotions and heart tugs,of sharing your personal story, I am a hearing screener(Abaer) and I want to learn ALS because of you and your family of ABILITY!Thank you! CW

Posted by: Cheryl Winter, 2/18/18

Thank you for this video for I have two deaf boys. They both have implants on both sides and one have graduated high school and the other one is in 5th grade. My oldest can talk and my youngest has a few words but rely mostly on sign language. I watch you all the time and I love signing time for it has taught me so much. Thank you so much for this wonderful program.

Posted by: Winifred Diggs, 9/25/16

My daughter has been so inspired by your videos that she volunteered with a program to teach sign to babies and toddlers with disabilities. The success led to her enrolling in ASL classes at college. By the way, she is Down Syndrome and 29 and never stops learning. She has always wanted to learn to sign, even when people said we had to choose sign or speech. Signing does not delay speech, just the opposite and the face time creates a special bond between adults and children. Thank you for being the amazing mother you are and sharing your gift with so many!

Posted by: Carol Croll, 9/19/16

My daughter has been so inspired by your videos that she volunteered with a program to teach sign to babies and toddlers with disabilities. The success led to her enrolling in ASL classes at college. By the way, she is Down Syndrome and 29 and never stops learning. She has always wanted to learn to sign, even when people said we had to choose sign or speech. Signing does not delay speech, just the opposite and the face time creates a special bond between adults and children. Thank you for being the amazing mother you are and sharing your gift with so many!

Posted by: Carol Croll, 9/19/16

I have such a great respect for Rachael Coleman. I discovered her SigningTime program when I was up in the wee hours of the morning and happened to turn the TV on. I got up every morning for the next week checking the TV hoping to find it again. It came on KET on Tuesday mornings at 5:30am. Every Tuesday I would have my alarm set so I would be up to record it on our VCR. During this time in our lives I was teaching my children sign language because Robert who has Autism was still practically Non-Verbal and I wanted him to be able to communicate in case his spoken language didn't develop. I was desperately trying to learn sign language, but it was so hard for me to retain it. Rachael's videos were exactly what I needed. They were music and visual put together in an entertaining way to make the signs easy to remember. I and my children fell in love with learning the songs and signs and our communication abilities grew. I used sign language with most of my children from infancy and it has been a great blessing to us! Signing with your babies initiates communication, reduces confusion and enhances their spoken language. I recommend her videos to everyone, young or old. They have been one of the greatest tools we have ever come across.

Posted by: Lisa Keown, 5/5/16

Thanks so much for sharing your story!

Posted by: Annette Callies, 4/29/16

When my granddaughter was 6 months old, my deaf grand daughter and A started watching Signing Time. 11months later. she is signing books! She has been signing something, no one recognized it but I suddenly realized she was signing "Bus", like "let's go!" Everything I learn d from you, Madi is doing. Thank you for sharing your story and teaching us along the way!

Posted by: Liz, 4/16/16

I appreciated that video very much, made me cry with such happiness. I have to say I watched Singing times when my children where little and still sign little here and there from what I know to them still and still want to know more on signing. my kids are now 9 and 11.. Thank you so much you give such wonderful hope to everyone and open ways to communicate with there kids and others as well.

Posted by: Tena Isakson, 4/15/16

Wow. What a great video and story. So glad you are getting more opportunities to tell your family's story. You will inspire and educate many parents AND professionals. Way to go. :-)

Posted by: Gina A. Oliva, 1/12/16

I am thrilled that you shared yourself and this video..I'm going to share it with PSD, and all of the contacts I know in Deaf Education. Beautiful. Real. Vulnerable. Thank you!!

Posted by: Andrea Richards, 1/11/16

I am hard of hearing and I started learning ASL about two years ago. I have seen a little bit of Signing Time and have to say that it is good for all ages. Thank you for your story. It was very uplifting. I can't wait for the day when my children will learn ASL so that they can communicate with me.

Posted by: Sierra, 6/22/15

excellent presentation.....thank you for sharing your amazing story.

Posted by: Kimberly Sherrod, 6/22/15

This story is so touching. This is why I love american sign language.

Posted by: Khadijah Nicholas, 1/9/15

OMG!!! I so loved this video. I didn't realize that Leah was your daughter. I am so inspired by your story. My son was born with mild to moderate hearing loss in both ears and my husband has 95% hearing loss in both ears so learning sign language has become a priority for me. Your videos "signing Time" actually got me started and we love watching them everyday. Thank you so much for everything.

Posted by: Marcie Colley, 1/7/15

I am a pediatric PT, and I absolutely love your story of taking a different approach to raising children with "different" abilities...rather than mourning their differences, you celebrate who they are and fight to help them achieve everything and anything. I had no idea about your family's story, as I had only seen your songs on Nick Jr. Your girls are certainly awesome individuals thanks to you as parents not accepting any limits that others were trying to place on them. I especially loved the part in the video of the spelling bee when Leah spelled "gorgeous"...gorgeous kids who are amazing members of their communities and I am sure will continue to do great things!

Posted by: Lauren, 10/26/14

This was the most inspirational story I have ever watched. And your children are the luckiest children in the world to have parents who accepted them for who they are as beautiful individuals.

Posted by: Sally Redden, 8/7/13

I found this video because I wanted more information about the woman behind the Signing Time videos. Wow, what an inspiration! I am so happy that the Signing Time series took off and became the success it is—not just for the producers but for all of us who have this wonderful resource.

Posted by: Chaya, 7/4/13

Our family had a very similar experience, especially with the conflict between the Deaf community/ASL and cochlear implants. We implanted my daughter at age 5, when she had ASL as her first language. We felt all the fear of rejection by the Deaf community, as well. We wanted to do right by our daughter, but we had been told that ASL was enough, and that she would hate that we implanted her. We fought the system and got her a CI. We decided it was time for her to focus on her second language...English. It is now four years later, and we fully regret having waited so long to give her this gift.

Posted by: Miss Kat's Mom, 6/4/13

How was signing time. How are Lucy and Leah doing are they doing fine because Lucy's spina bifida kinda scared me and Leah kinda amazed me by doing sign language at a very young age amazed me.

Posted by: Brian Wyatt, Jr., 3/28/13

Absolutely beautiful...I too choose signing and then cochlear implants...was told no more signing but I did both...hooray for me and the beauty, spirit and soul of my child.

Posted by: Natalie, 3/27/13

I am the father of a hearing-impaired daughter. About a minute into the video I started crying and could not stop until about 15 minutes into it. Thank you for this most wonderful, heart warming speech. It was therapeutic to watch and listen to.

Posted by: Zaydoon, 12/06/12

I love Rachel Coleman....SUPER MOM of deaf child. We need more parents like her!! She is realistic woman. I love her.

Posted by: Dinah Estes, 11/27/12

I just want to thank Rachel Coleman and her family for their bravery and courage. I can't thank you enough from one mother to another.

Posted by: Esther, 11/18/12

Wow and crying is not a bad thing when it is for good things..I love you and your story it is so motivational and I just wanna share because ASL is amazing and no one in my sphere is deaf or challenged by the mentioned disabilities.

Posted by: Vanessa McCorker, 11/10/12

My husband and I have been signing with our son since he was 6 months (now 4). He isn't deaf and people kept asking why we would do this with him. I just kept saying "why not communicate with him as soon as we can? Why wait until he can talk to us with his voice? Why not start now?" So we did. We don't do as much as I would like and now with our second child we have lost some focus. But I do get inspired every time I watch one of our Signing Time DVD's or see someone signing. I work at a hospital in the Breast Center and when we have deaf people come in I have a mini conversation with them. I'm the one who gets to register them and ask the questions cause I can communicate with them. I don't have to but I 'get' to. It is wonderful to be able to do this task even though I'm no very good at it. I have a roll I can play and I'm thankful to Signing Time for giving me the opportunity to help in this way. You are a huge inspiration.

Posted by: Tasha, 11/09/12

This is so great! I love it! I am sharing it with all my parents and families. It gives such a great perspective and right from the main face of Signing Time. Can't get any better. Thank you! It looks great!

Posted by: Sara S., 11/09/12


My daughter (age 6) has Down syndrome and her first language was sign language...thanks to Signing Time DVD's.

Just last year, (at age 34, after 10 years of dealing with hearing loss) I got a cochlear implant and it has been a wonderful experience. Thank YOU for being such an inspirational person in our lives.

Posted by: Jill B, 11/08/12

Hi, I am deaf since i was born when my mom has a measle.. My oldest daughter dont really watch signing time movies but my 2nd daughter loves watch signing time movies in her life. I teach my kids too sometimes for i don't have time teach much because they are hearing more than i am deaf ( i talked without sign language and show where what they dont understand i say for sign language without voice) .. It's hard communite.. I am upset myself about they don't do sign language much for they do talk much. I used go school for hearing til 3 yrs ago i went to place about deaf and stuff and guy talked to me about stuff and deaf .. i must go to around deaf ppl but i dont really go around deaf ppl for i dont know why but i am still deaf.. I want a ci but dr said i have to wear new hearing aid first in 6 months work out . If its work with hearing aid in 6 months then not need ci still on hearing aid OR If its not work wear hearing then get a ci .. I got new hearing aid in Oct 24 th 2012..I am waiting for go on in 6 months.. I feeling bad myself about my girls for not teach them much sign language ..I want to learn sign language more and talk voice too both for they understand i can talk voice with sign language. I forget sign language much .. It's weird..i am 37 yrs old and my girls are 6 yrs old and 1 yr old.. what am i do?? SMILE

Posted by: Patricia Long, 11/08/12

Thank you for sharing your story! We have most of your videos and I am always telling people to give your videos a try... LOVE THEM!!!

Posted by: Dawn, 11/08/12

I love you guys!!! You helped me peek into my son's World.. and Now HE is in mine.. and we love you!!! HE is ASD and SPD and he is amazing cuz I did not give up.. cant stop us great mom's.. YOU ROCK!!! give the girls hugs for me!!!

PS thanks for making me cry several times!!!!

Posted by: Terri Holliday, 11/08/12

I'm watching this video while I let my (hearing) 4 year old play on the iPod touch. I told her, Ella, this is how you sign "colors". She signed it. I said, "What's your favorite color? It's purple, but I don't know how to sign purple." She said, "It's like this!" And signed purple. She learned this from Signing Time videos. We don't watch them much because she doesn't pay attention. Wait, I need to correct myself. She doesn't APPEAR to pay attention...but if you quiz her about signs, she knows them all. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you for helping everyone, hearing or not, learn ASL!

Posted by: Beth Henry, 11/08/12

So inspiring!! Thank you Coleman family!! My toddler daughter and I are learning ASL via Signing Time as our second language. Why? Because we can! :)

Posted by: Stacy Asdell, 11/08/12

A very educational and heart warming package that can empower families to embrace ASL and English in any forms in one hour.

Posted by: Jodee Crace, 11/08/12

Wow! I loved hearing Rachael's story "in person"! It was riveting, and she's a great spokesperson for children of all abilities.

Posted by: Rebekah McNary, 11/08/12

Thank you soo much for your story and your courage!! I have 2 sons both with moderate SNHL my sons learned to sign with your dvds and books...

Posted by: Brandy Wells, 11/07/12

Hurray! It turned out great!

Posted by: Nancy Grosz Sager, 10/30/12