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EHDI: Early Hearing Detection & Intervention

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Webinar: Building 3-D Relationships in a 2-D World

When: August 19, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MT


Whether we're parents, teachers, students or children, we human beings are social animals. We live in packs and we survive and thrive because we learn from each other and work together ~ physically, emotionally and mentally. In other words, we've got each other's backs! So when we were forced to take our "togetherness" online, most of us asked ourselves, "how am I supposed to make, keep and build relationships online, sometimes with people I have never met in person?" The COVID-19 pandemic caused many of us to move to a virtual platform to meet with our students or families. Our student teachers were abruptly made to "pivot" from learning from a teacher in a classroom to learning from a classroom teacher who was pivoting as well. Parents became homeschool teachers with a "ready or not" timeline. All of us were thrown into the deep end of the pool left to figure out how to not only keep the positive relationships we had, but also to build new relationships through a virtual connection. In this presentation, you will hear from two deaf educators ~one who works virtually with families and the other who works virtually with graduate students. Meeting via technology is something that these teachers have been doing long before the world was forced into this realm by COVID. How can we build relationships with mentees when we've never actually met face to face? If you have a good relationship with parents in their home, how can you maintain and strengthen them now that you don't have that face-to-face connection? We have found that there are actually many benefits to working virtually with students and families. In this presentation, you will learn some new ideas to finding positive ways to keep those personal relationships strong.

  • Participants will learn specific strategies for building relationships with students, families, adults and children using virtual services.
  • Participants will identify the challenges of building virtual relationships and generate solutions for mentoring and coaching through the use of telepractice.
  • Participants will review videos of relationship building strategies and learn how to apply them to their own unique settings.


Cassandra Fogelstrom, Utah State University:

Cass Fogelstrom provides tele-intervention services for families throughout the country. She has a Master's Degree in Education from the John Tracy Clinic/University of San Diego. Additionally, Cass has a certification as a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Auditory Verbal Educator (LSLS Cert. AVEd). Cass has focused her time and career coaching parents in their home, either in person or through video-conferencing. She has a passion for instilling confidence within the family as they navigate their journey of having a child with hearing loss. She believes in a team approach, noting that parents and family members are the number one teachers and experts in their child's life. Cass is always looking forward to meeting new families and learning about their unique and special circumstances. The possibilities of bringing every child to his or her full potential are endless!

Elizabeth Parker, Utah State University

Elizabeth Parker is a Clinical Instructor and Practicum Supervisor in the Listening and Spoken Language Deaf Education program, Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education at Utah State University. She has served as a classroom teacher, aural habilitation specialist and Program Director of Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind. She has taught and mentored hundreds of students and professionals to better serve children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Liz believes that communication is at the heart of everything we do as human beings. She is passionate about meeting new people, mentoring students and helping people realize their true potential.