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Webinar: Building on Your Experience with Evidence-based Hearing Screening Practices for Children Ages 0–5: Refine Your Skills and Address Your Questions

When: August 11, 2022 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm MT


Now that you have had some experience implementing evidence-based hearing screening methods, you likely have questions or a need for some review. Whether you are using Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) hearing screening or Pure Tone Audiometry, it's common to need to review some key points and to have an opportunity to address some questions that may have arisen during your screening experiences.

Join us for a webinar and question and answer session on improving the quality of hearing screening and evaluation practices for children ages birth to 5. Learn about useful screening and follow-up techniques and access practical tools to support implementation of high-quality hearing screening and follow-up methods in Head Start and Early Head Start and other early care and education programs.

Key Topics

  • An overview of two hearing screening methods and available resources to support implementation
    • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) screening and evaluation method for all children
    • Pure Tone Audiometry Screening method for children 3 to 5 years of age or older
  • Technique and strategies for managing children’s behavior leading to the successful completion of hearing screenings
  • Equipment management scenarios that may arise when conducting hearing screenings
  • A review of the recommended follow-up protocol for when children do not pass the hearing screening
  • Strategies for communicating hearing screening results with family members and professionals with the goal of achieving appropriate following actions
  • A review of resources to support the development and sustainability of evidence-based hearing screening and follow-up practices
  • An opportunity to address questions pertaining to OAE or Pure Tone Audiometry screening and follow-up practices

Webinar Description

This webinar benefits individuals and programs serving children between birth and 5 years of age who have some experience implementing either OAE or Pure Tone Audiometry hearing screening, including:

  • Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, and American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start programs
  • Part C early intervention programs
  • Part B-619 programs
  • Home visiting programs
  • Preschool staff
  • Health care providers


William Eiserman, Ph.D. and Terry Foust, AuD