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EHDI: Early Hearing Detection & Intervention

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Webinar: Expanding the Scope of EHDI to Include Screening Children up to Three Years of Age

When: February 15, 2022 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm MT

Learning Objectives

  • The rationale behind the expansion of EHDI to include hearing screening of children up to 3 years of age.
  • Use of OAE screening methods with this population.
  • Potential partners in the identification of children with late onset hearing loss including health care providers, Part C early intervention programs, Head Start programs and other early care and education providers.
  • Activities you may want to incorporate in your plan that include: Community outreach, Program-level Planning, Training and Technical Assistance.
  • Existing resources that are available to help you and others with the above activities.


  • William Eiserman, Ph.D.