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NCHAM offers a variety of technical assistance activities.

Training and Technical Assistance


Webinars are offered on a regular basis on a broad range of topics pertaining to screening, diagnostics, and facilitating access to intervention services.

Learning Modules and Training Videos are provided that cover topics such as:

  • Orientation to the EHDI system (for those new to EHDI)
  • Skill building for those who will be implementing newborn hearing screening and follow-up programs
  • Introduction to Audiology for Non-Audiologists
  • The Role of Family Support Services in the EHDI System
  • Expanding the scope of EHDI to include identification of children who are deaf or hard of hearing up to three years of age

Onsite Training and Technical Assistance can be arranged on a variety of topic areas, tapping into a broad network of national experts.

Individualized Consultation

Staff from NCHAM provide technical assistance and guidance on questions of specific focus including but not limited to:

  • data management and data sharing
  • tele-audiology and tele-health strategies
  • developing collaborations with other EHDI stakeholders
  • linking EHDI, vital statistics and other health information systems
  • designing and implementing quality improvements practices within state EHDI systems
  • collaborating with state and local Part C early intervention systems
  • expanding the scope of EHDI to include identification up to three years of age

Resource Development

In addition to providing a broad array of previously developed resources to maintain and improve evidence-based screening and follow-up practices, NCHAM develops resources in response to emerging needs identified through an annual needs assessment or other anecdotal information gathering. These resources may be in the form of learning modules, info-graphics, checklists, reference lists, links to relevant online resources or other formats.

Information Sharing

  • Information sharing with EHDI stakeholders is also accomplished through:
  • website
  • Annual EHDI Conference
  • Annual Learning Forum for Health Professionals
  • Facilitating an annual state EHDI coordinator meeting
  • Providing a venue for state-specific stakeholders to meet annual during the annual EHDI conference
  • Use of social media including Facebook, Twitter, RSS feeds, YouTube and others
  • The provision of the EHDI-Pediatric Audiology Links to Services (EHDI-PALS) system
  • Facilitating short- and long-term learning communities on topics identified by state EHDI coordinators and/or advisory committees
  • Print, electronic and audio-visual resources target stakeholders and/or families
  • Publishing the free, semi-annual Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (JEHDI) focusing on newborn and early childhood hearing screening, diagnosis, family support, early intervention, the medical home, information management, financing, quality improvement and other key factors critical for an effective EHDI system.
  • Virtual and in-person meetings such as an annual conference on Cytomegalovirus Public Health and Policy Conference or on special topics such as the impact of COVID-19 on the EHDI system.
  • Facilitating learning collaboratives with the Family Literacy, Language and Learning (FL3) Project
  • Facilitating peer-to-peer learning opportunities on various topics such as improving state EHDI websites, family-to-family support and DHH Mentoring programs